Remote Defensive Weapon Training, Need To Know


If you are seeking defensive weapon training for your personal safety or that of your family, or if you are simply looking to exercise your second amendment rights, then remote defensive weapon training might be your best option.

Gun ranges offer many people options for training, trying new weapons, and a place to practice, but these options can be expensive. Gun ranges in some locations are also still closed due to the ongoing pandemic. Unless you prefer to travel, remote training will easily save you money and time. No more trying to fit in firearms training in between work, family, and other commitments.

How It Works

A number of remote defensive weapon training classes operate through apps or websites. As the customer, you will pick from a course selection offering training for pistols, carbines, and more. Once you enroll in your courses, you will then be put in contact with an instructor.

Instructors upload videos to the app, website, or whatever platform they use, giving you a reference point of what to do and what not to do during your training. Even better, some instructors work with you live, chatting over video apps such as Skype or FaceTime.

Expect instructors to communicate with you in a much more individualized way. One of the benefits of remote defensive weapon training is that you will have much more one-on-one communication with the instructor. Gun ranges do typically offer private lessons, but these online courses are sometimes cheaper than being in-person. While you avoid incurring expensive costs, you will have free range to ask as many questions as needed.

One downside to remote firearms training is that your contact with the instructor will be limited to the use of technology. If either of you has a bad connection to the internet, that will likely cause hiccups in communication. While you are free to get much more personal attention, you may not receive immediate feedback on questions or concerns when communicating via email with your instructors.


Remote courses are a great way to build your independence outside of the gun range. You will be in charge of preparation before class, taking care of your firearms, and your shooting range.

This may seem intimidating for some, but once you adjust to training outside of the range, you are likely to benefit from stronger gun-handling and self-confidence because you relied on yourself instead of others.

As you decide to buckle up for this rewarding but scary endeavor, feel free to contact organizations online or in-person to get set up today. Some even offer free consultations. As you research, note that the NRA is a great place to start to get basic information on gun training, and understand its purpose.

For more information about remote defensive weapons training, contact a company near you.


14 July 2020

Learn About Continuing Education In Your Career

Adults who have a career often enroll in continuing education courses to stay up-to-date in their chosen field and to improve their skill set. These courses are available at a variety of institutions including vocational schools, community colleges and technical centers. We are not affiliated with adult and continuing education organizations, but we understand the importance for career professionals to expand their knowledge and advance in their field. We've spoken with representatives of educational institutions who offer continuing education courses to learn about the entire process. As you read this blog, you'll learn about enrollment, available courses and program information. We hope that our blog gives you the information you need to continue your education.